Personal Branding for Technology Professionals


Lucky me! I got to work with internationally recognized branding expert Lesley Everett on this fantastic CompTIA project. Beginning with Lesley’s many popular books as source material, and continuing with subject matter expert interviews with her, I designed and developed two workshop kits for AITP chapters nationwide to deliver to members.

The two workshops give technology workers tools to enable them to share with others who they are, what they do, and what they’re great at (in a very natural, non-annoying way).

A pre-class mobile quiz kicks off the course while attendees are waiting for the workshop to begin. This engagement technique is one I often use—priming the learners for what’s to come with a fun “Hey, did you know?” activity.

The fully scripted Facilitation Guides and PowerPoint decks I designed provided an instructionally sound path for AITP chapter leaders to deliver valuable content to their members.